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Allytte Smart Coupon Service

Posts in English

by ALLYTTE 2023. 2. 8. 16:25


Allytte provides mobile coupon service for the school cafeteria.

Our service does not require Kiosk or expensive hardware.

Members can easily buy coupons from their mobile app and use the coupons with QR codes on Allytte Mobile ID.

The cafeteria only requires a simple device(tablet PC, mobile phone etc,.,) for QR checking.


Currently, it is used at Chinju National University of Education in their cafeteria

However, this coupon can be used for any business with a coupon service.


1. Creating a coupon


Allytte Smart Coupon Service has an administration tool to manage all coupon services.

The service starts with creating a coupon.

You can enter price, period, amount, unit price, total price(with a discount if required), and more. 



2. Using a coupon



Once the coupon is created, you can sell the coupon using various methods.

*Currently mobile payment is not included in the service. 


Using a coupon is easiest.

Open app > shake phone > open QR code > tag QR code to any QR reader available.


Below is how Chinju University is using our coupon service in their cafeteria. (starts from 30 sec.)


Exchanging a coupon is also very easy.

From mobile coupon, choose to give coupon and just enter user name send.



Once you use a mobile coupon, it is easy to track who is using how much service at your institution.

Below is our coupon service dashboard.





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